Electronic systems for renewable energy sources, home automation



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We're reducing prices!

Dear customers, we have optimized our production processes and input costs, which is why we were able to reduce the final prices compared to the 2023 price list by up to 20%! If you are our partner (installation company, wholesaler), you will find the new prices after logging into your account. On the My account page, click on the link Your current price list. If you are not our partner, the final prices listed in the Direct purchase section apply to you.

End of rationing system

Dear customers, due to the availability of parts for production, we are stopping the rationing system for all products supplied by us from September 1, 2023. All products are now in sufficient quantities in stock.

Rationing system

Dear customers, due to the high demand, we are introducing a rationing system for our most ordered products from 9 January 2023. For more information about this method of purchase, see here. New registrations are temporarily suspended until January 16, 2023 to allow priority purchase for our long-term business partners.

Design change

Dear customers, due to better availability, from 22/08/2022 we deliver all our controllers in slightly different installation boxes, which are functionally completely identical to the original ones, only they are slightly different in design - they do not have the bottom sharp edge. The size of the controller, i.e. the number of modules and other parameters, does not change. The absence of the bottom sharp edge also objectively facilitates the installation of the controller in the switchboard.

End of cooperation with Russia

Today we ended our cooperation with Russia. No orders from this country are possible and no technical support will be provided. Also, Russian language will be removed from all our future software updates.


You can find a distributor for your country in the following map and table. If you want to become our distributor please read this article.

Company name in the map Company address in the map Website Territorial scope
GBC Solino s.r.o U panelárny 10, 77900 Olomouc https://www.gbc-solino.cz Česká a Slovenská republika
Krannich Solar s.r.o., Areál CTZone Škrobárenská 14, 617 00 Brno https://krannich-solar.com/cz-cz/ Česká a Slovenská republika
Argos Elektro a.s. Velkomoravská 97, 695 01 Hodonín https://argos.cz/ Česká republika
BayWa r.e. Solar Systems s.r.o. Za tratí 206, 252 19 Chrášťany https://solar-distribution.baywa-re.cz/ Česká republika
Bi Esse Cz s.r.o. Písecká 285, 386 01 Strakonice https://eshop.biesse.cz/ Česká republika
Elfetex s.r.o. Hřbitovní 31a, 312 00 Plzeň https://www.elfetex.cz/ Česká republika
ELKOV elektro a.s. Kšírova 255, 61900 Brno - Horní Heršpice https://www.elkov.cz/ Česká republika
Frankensolar Eastern Europe s.r.o. Kostelecká 59, 196 00 Praha 9 - Čakovice http://www.frankensolar.eu/cz/ Česká republika
JAKUB ELEXMAYER s.r.o. Teplická 443, 41723 Koštany https://www.jakub.eu/ Česká republika
Ptáček-velkoobchod, a.s. U Velké ceny 413/4, 62300 Brno Kohoutovice https://www.ptacek.cz/ Česká republika
Sonepar Česká republika spol.s r.o. Vážní 1125, 50003 Hradec Králové https://www.sonepar.cz/ Česká republika
Elektro S.M.S. spol. s r.o. Dobrovodská 43, 37006 České Budějovice https://www.elektrosms.cz/ Jihočeský kraj
HAGARD:HAL, spol. s r.o. Pražská 9, 949 11 Nitra https://www.hagard.sk/ Nitranský kraj
M & D Elektro s.r.o. Čáslavská 50, 53701 Chrudim https://www.mdelektro.cz Pardubický a Královéhradecký kraj
zielona-energia.com Klimczyk,Fonfara Sp. J. Ul. Krótka 29/31, 42-202 Częstochowa https://zielona-energia.com/ Poland
Solelgrossisten Sverige AB Klintgatan 8, 27332 Tomelilla https://www.solelgrossisten.se/ Sweden and Denmark
ECO PRODUKT s. r. o. Banícka 360/7, 97217 Kanianka https://ecoprodukt.sk/ Trenčínský kraj
SOLARNY DOM, s.r.o. Seredská 18, 91705 Trnava https://www.solarnydom.sk/ Trnavský kraj
GeoEnergo solutions Batumska Street 9, Kyiv https://geoenergo.com/watt-router/ Ukraine