MODBUSThe MODBUS protocol is a proven industry standard. It is supported by our WATTrouter M and Mx devices in SLAVE mode, or SERVER, when the given device answers the queries of the superior unit. The following protocol variants are supported: MODBUS TCP on the Ethernet line and MODBUS RTU on the RS485 line. An example of such communication is the communication with the program Modbus Poll. We use this program as reference software to verify protocol and data link functionality. Example of connecting the WATTrouter Mx device with the Modbus Poll programSetting the communication of the Modbus Poll program with the Wattrouter Mx via the MODBUS TCP protocol: Setting up data exchange with Wattrouter Mx for periodic reading of input registers 0-31 using function 4: The main window of the Modbus Poll program during communication via the MODBUS TCP protocol (for correct values of the 32-bit registers, it is necessary to define the appropriate format for 2 adjacent registers - this was not done on this image): Setting up data exchange with Wattrouter Mx for one-time writing of configuration registers 0-7 using function 16 (this command externally forces the SSR 1 and Relay 1 outputs to switch on): If you implement communication with other software on a PC, then we recommend that you first test the communication via Modbus Poll (the program can run for free in trial mode) and then implement the MODBUS communication in your software. In the Modbus Poll program, it is possible to display the data exchange in the Display/Communication window, which can possibly be used to compare the data flows with other software. |