Basic functional description
The purpose of Heating Control
This device can effectively control multi-source heating. Multi-source heating always needs a storage tank where multiple heating sources and multiple heat consumers are attached to. The device can control:
- suitable inverter heat pumps which allow external power control and direct condenser in storage tank (such as Fujitsu or Mitsubishi outdoor units)
- communication with WATTrouter M/Mx controllers to effectively combine heating according to temperature conditions and from photovoltaic excess energy
- bivalent heat sources attached to storage tank
- solid fuel boilers as supplementary heat sources attached to storage tank
- heating circuits - heat consumers from storage tank
- pool heating - heat consumer from storage tank
- pool filtering
- storage tank cool down with selectable priorites
- rooftop solar systems, they can be equpped with modern PWM controlled pumps
This device fully supports outdoor heat pump units with external power control (input 0-10VDC).
To use this device you always need a storage tank. A storage tank is the only choice if you want your multi-source heating to work effectively.