Heating Control MxThe controller Heating Control Mx (model HCMX 01/08/23) is designed to control multi-source heating. It needs a storage tank to manage heating sources and heating consumers effectively. This controller has 8 inputs for digital temperature sensors of type DS18S20 or DS18B20, 4 analog inputs for NTC or PT1000 type sensors, 4 binary inputs and 8 outputs. The regulator also has several configurable regulatory blocks that allow direct control of suitable type of heat pumps, 2 heating circuits, pool heating and pool filtration, management of solid fuel boilers and other regulatory functions. Unlike the predecessor Heating Control, all these blocks are part of the standard design and are not purchased as software extensions! The controller includes an integration with WATTrouter M/Mx over Ethernet, by means of the S-CONNECT protocol. This connection allows you to conveniently combine the use of a heat pump according to temperature conditions and according to the available surplus energy from photovoltaic source where available heat is stored in the storage tank. Alternatively, you can overheat the house or pool when more surplus energy is available than storage tank can accumulate. Heating Control Mx is completely silent, it has no built-in fan. The controller can be configured and monitored using the built-in web interface over Ethernet or using an application for mobile phones on the Android and iOS platforms. User manual, technical specification and declaration of conformity - English versionMobile application screenshot |